You can allocate and prioritize positions according to security type. Proceed as follows:
On the "Configuration" tab, select the command EVALUATION PLACES. The "Configure evaluation places" dialog box appears. On the left-hand side you will see the list of the different security types, in the middle the prioritized places assigned to the selected security type and on the right the remaining, non-prioritized places.
First select the security type for which you want to prioritize valuation places or whose prioritization you want to change.
If you want the price quotations of the respective home stock exchange (WM master data field) to be used first for securities of the selected security type, activate the "Prefer home stock exchange" checkbox.
If the "Prefer home exchange" checkbox is not activated or if it is activated but there is no price quotation for the home exchange stored in the WM master data, the next step is to check the places in settlement currency. Activate the "Prefer places in settlement currency" checkbox to set price quotations in the settlement currency (WM master data field) as the valuation place. Please also read the following example and, if applicable, the section WM data.
The setting of the "Prefer places from country" checkbox is checked after the home exchange and settlement currency. If it is activated, places in the country entered in the "Country" field in the master data are preferred.
The list of prioritized seats only takes effect after these setting options have been checked.
If you would like to assign a new place to the selected security type, select the place in the list on the right-hand side of the dialog window and then select the "Assign selected place" icon (or the button with the left arrow on your keyboard) to add it to the list of prioritized places. Alternatively, you can also move the seats by double-clicking on the seat. Proceed in the same way for other seats to be added.
Seats assigned in this way appear at the bottom of the middle list. The order determines the prioritization of the evaluation places. The top slot is the standard valuation slot for this security type. To change the order, select an evaluation location and then select the icon with the up arrow to prioritize the location higher or the icon with the down arrow to downgrade the location. Alternatively, you can also use the corresponding arrow keys on your keyboard while holding down the<CTRL>key or simply move the places using drag & drop. If you would like to remove a place that has already been assigned for the selected security type, select the place in the middle list of the dialog box and then select the icon with the arrow pointing to the right (or the key with the arrow pointing to the right on your keyboard). Alternatively, you can also move the seats by double-clicking on the seat. Proceed in the same way for other spaces to be removed.
Complete the configuration with the "OK" button.
By default, in the list of non-prioritized places you will only see the stock exchanges that are actually assigned to at least one security of this security type. If you would like to see all the places available in the database, deactivate the "Show only used stock exchange places" checkbox.
Standard prioritization can have the effect that the valuation place of securities changes when price quotations are reissued, as the newly delivered place has priority over all price quotations previously available in the system. Read in the chapter Edit valuation location assignmentshow you can avoid unconscious and retroactive changes in the portfolio valuation by fixing securities in the asset universe (i.e. securities that are anchored in the portfolio management) by explicitly defining the valuation location.