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Most securities are subject to more or less frequent capital increases or splits. As these capital increases bring new shares onto the market, the price of the old shares is reduced by a certain factor. Although this loss is offset by the issue of corresponding subscription rights, the future share prices are no longer comparable with the prices prior to the capital increase.

To enable you to create charts that do not contain any price jumps caused by capital increases, adjustment factors are stored with the prices to compensate for this. If you retrieve the data via Market Data Pool, the adjustment factors are also updated with the prices.

Corporate actions in the chart

Consider corporate actions in the chart presentation

To include the capital measures in the chart, select the CAPITAL MEASURES command on the "Chart" tab. This function is already activated by default.

Select the command again to disregard the corporate actions in the chart display.

Or click on the "Consider corporate actions" icon.

Show corporate actions

To show or hide corporate actions as info boxes in the chart window, select the "Show corporate actions" icon.

Or select the VIEW, CAPITAL MEASURES command in the context menu of the selected time series.

Dividends in the chart

Including dividends in the chart presentation

To include dividends in the chart, select the DIVIDEND command on the "Chart" tab.

In contrast to corporate actions, this function is initially deactivated by default.

Select the command again to disregard the dividends in the chart display.

Or click on the icon "offset dividends".

Show dividends

To show or hide dividends as info boxes in the chart window, select the "Show dividends" icon.

Or select the VIEW, DIVIDEND command in the context menu of the selected time series.

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