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Benchmarks in the report Performance report with graphic

In Report Performance report with graphic , the benchmark valid on the evaluation date is always used.


A benchmark with the following history is assigned to the "Customer Sparkasse XL" portfolio via the historicized properties (portfolio versions): The benchmark from portfolio version A until November 1, 2011 is the "Euro Stoxx 50" index and from November 2, 2011 the "DAX" index from portfolio version B.

If necessary, read the section Working with portfolio versions.

If you now create a "Performance report with graphic" report on 24.11.2011, it will look as follows with the default parameter settings:

Now open the parameters of the report using the key combination <CTRL>+<A> and enter 1.11.2011 as the evaluation date and confirm this setting. The "Performance report with graph" report then looks like this.

The benchmark valid at this time is now displayed as the benchmark.

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