Commands in the toolbar of the correlation matrix
At the top of the correlation matrix toolbar you will find commands for editing the display. The following commands are available via the icons:
Command | Icon | Description |
Edit parameters | Select this icon to view or set the parameters in the "Settings" dialog box that appears. Please also read the section Parameters of the correlation matrix. | |
Edit formulas | Select this icon to edit the MM-Talk formulas of the columns and rows in the "Edit formulas" dialog box that appears. Please also read the section MM-Talk formulas for the matrix definition. | |
Approximate arrangement | Select this icon to arrange the values in the matrix approximately so that larger (or optionally smaller) values tend to be closer together, depending on the setting of the ORDER BY INCREASING DIFFERENCE option in the menu of the "Arrangement options" icon on the "Correlation matrix" tab in the ribbon. For symmetrical matrices, the order of the objects is changed accordingly. In the case of non-symmetrical matrices, two columns (or two rows) are first compared and the arrangement is carried out based on this comparison. You open the MM-Talk formula for the row or column comparison via the command FORMULA FOR COLUMN/ROW COMPARISON in the menu of the "Arrangement options" icon on the "Correlation matrix" tab in the ribbon. This formula can also be used for symmetrical matrices. Input are two lists of numbers, output is a single number. | |
Add decimal place | A decimal place is added to the numbers in the cells of the correlation matrix each time they are clicked. | |
Remove decimal place | A decimal place is removed from the numbers in the cells of the correlation matrix each time they are clicked. The numerical display can also be completely hidden so that a pure color display is shown: |