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Parameters of the correlation matrix

You can use parameters to make settings for the correlation matrix - as with tables, reports or charts. To view or set the parameters of an open correlation matrix, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the "Edit parameters" icon on the "Correlation matrix" tab in the ribbon or on the toolbar.

    Or press the key combination<CTRL>+<A>.
    The "Settings" dialog box appears.
  2. If necessary, make your settings and save them with the "OK" button.
  3. You can save your customized correlation matrix as your own template under a new name (command FILE, SAVE AS) or overwrite the existing one (command FILE, SAVE).

The following parameters are available to you in detail:


Evaluation date

Enter the desired evaluation date here.

The default setting is the current date.

Evaluation period (months)

Select the desired evaluation period in months here.

The default setting is "12 months".


Select a different currency here if necessary.


If necessary, enter a different consolidation for the returns used to determine the correlation.

The default setting is "Daily".

Logarithmic returns

Logarithmic returns are taken into account by default. If you want to change this setting, deactivate this checkbox.

Group by classification

To group the correlation matrix according to the classification selected below, activate this checkbox.


Select the desired classification from this selection list.

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