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Query master data




Result: The basic security and comparison functions each provide the comparison value for the security from the master data. In the case of options, warrants or futures, this is the underlying asset. The comparative value of a security can be stored both as a price quotation object and as a security object.


Result: The Remark function returns the value of the "Remark" field from the securities master data.



Result: The BasicPaper and Comparison functions each provide the name from the securities master data.


Result: The Industry function returns the value of the "Industry" field from the securities master data.


Start date (date [end date-365]).

End date (Date[Current date]).

Consider issue surcharge (Boolean[False]).

pa_Value (Boolean[False]).

Currency (currency [security currency]).

Result: The BVIPerformance function provides the performance of the security according to the BVI method (BVI Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e. V.).


Result: The CFICode function returns the 6-digit CFI code of the security.


Result: The CHValorenNr function returns the "Security number" field (Swiss security number) from the securities master data.


Result: The DEWKN function returns the "DEWKN" field (German securities identification number) from the securities master data.


Result: The EDGTopClass function provides the market price risk (EDG risk class) of the security.


Result: The IssueDate function returns the issue date of the security for some security types.

Securityissuer category→vwdClass

Result: The Issuer category function provides the issuer category of the security (or the issuer of the security) based on the WM-Bista issuer groups.


Result: The FactorList function provides the list of value adjustment factors recorded for a security.

Search string.FindWP[search mode]→List(security)

Search mode (WPSuchTyp["ISIN"]): Possible: "ISIN", "DEWKN", "MMWKN".

Result: The FindWP function returns a list of all securities that are found. The search string must be entered in full; a search with wildcards is not possible here. The function returns security objects for search mode "ISIN" and "DEWKN". In search mode "MMWKN" a quote (price quotation).


Result: The FirstTradingDay function returns the first trading day of a security.


Options: "True": determines the evaluation for options.

Warrants: "True": determines the evaluation for warrants. If both parameters are "True", the evaluation returns "True" if one of the two security types exists for the underlying security.

Result: The HatOOS function returns "True" if the database for the security contains options or warrants with the corresponding minimum term.


Result: The ISIN function returns the "ISIN" field from the securities master data.

Securityprice factor→number

Result: The price factor function provides the number of units of the security to which the prices relate (master data field for price quotations, especially for foreign exchange and bonds).→country

Result: The Country function returns the "Country" field from the securities master data.


Result: The LastTradingDay function returns the last trading day of a security.


Result: The LegalEntity function provides the issuing legal entity of the security.


Result: The Limits function provides a list of all limits assigned to the security.

Securitymarket segment→Market segment

Result: The Market segment function returns the "Segment" field from the securities master data.→String

Result: The Name function returns the name from the securities master data.


Result: The NameWM function returns the WM security abbreviation (WM name) from the securities master data.


Result: The Notes function provides the notes for a security from the master data.


Result: The OEWKN function returns the "OEWKN" field (Austrian securities identification number) from the securities master data.


Result: The OOS function provides the list of all options or warrants for the security. The parameters can be used to roughly define the type of securities. Derivatives whose term is after the "Minimum term" parameter are delivered.→Place

Result: The Place function returns the "Place" field from the master data of the standard valuation place of the security.


Result: The Quotes function provides a list of all quotes (for different places) for a security.


Result: The Ticker function returns the "Ticker" field from the master data of the standard valuation place of the security.


Result: The TradingMinimum function returns the minimum trading nominal value of a security.


Result: The TradingUnit function provides the trading denomination of a security.


Result: The ValueOrderConfig function returns "True" if the amount order preference applies to the security. The "Amount order preference" checkbox is either activated manually in the securities master data or set in the global configuration for this security type.


Result: The Comparison function returns the comparison value for the security from the master data. In the case of options, warrants or futures, this is the underlying asset. The reference security of a security can be deposited both as a price quotation object and as a security object.


Result: The VWD symbol function returns the infront code of the price quote (formerly "vwd code").


Result: The Currency function returns the "Currency" field from the master data of the standard valuation place of the security.


Result: The WKN function returns the "MMWKN" field from the master data of the standard valuation place of the security.


Result: The WMAbrechnungsWaehrung function returns the "Settlement currency" field from the WM master data of the security.


Result: The WMBranche function provides the WM sector of the security from the WM master data.


Result: The WMComplexFinancialInstrument function returns "True" if the security has been classified as a complex financial instrument.

Securities.WMleveraged product→Boolean

Result: The WM leverage product function returns "True" if the security has been classified as a leverage product in the WM master data. Only securities with this property are monitored in the MiFID II evaluations "Loss threshold monitoring WP" and "Report loss threshold notification WP", for example.


Result: The WMHeimatboerse function returns the home stock exchange of the security from the WM master data.


Result: The WMInstrumentType function returns the WM instrument type of the security from the WM master data.


Result: The WMInstrumentenArtZus1 function returns the WM instrument type supplement 1 of the security from the WM master data.


Result: The WMInstrumentenArtZus2 function returns the WM instrument type supplement 2 of the security from the WM master data.


Result: The WMInstrumentenArtZus2 function returns the WM instrument type supplement 3 of the security from the WM master data.


Result: The WMInstrumentenArtZus4 function returns the WM instrument type supplement 4 of the security from the WM master data.


Result: The WMLName1 function returns the WM securities long name 1 from the securities master data.


Result: The WMLName2 function returns the WM securities long name 2 from the securities master data.


Result: The WMProdArtSegment function provides the WM product type segmentation (derivative, index, commodity...) of the security from the WM master data.


Result: The WMProdGroupSegment function provides the WM product group segmentation of the security from the WM master data.


Result: The WP function supplies the security itself. Security references are represented internally by a key that has several components. For example, ISIN and security ID for securities or the MMWKN for price quotations. The MM-Talk function WP returns the security for such a key, but also attempts to search for securities by security names that are not necessarily unique if the parameter does not have a corresponding key format.


Result: The WP function provides the security (security or quote) for a security key (see Identifierfunction). For reasons of downward compatibility, keys that do not comply with this format are interpreted as security names and a corresponding security object is supplied if necessary.


Currency (Currency): Currency in which the income is to be reported.

FactorCalculate (Boolean[False]): Under this option, the income is offset against the subsequent adjustment factors.

FactorsTo (date [current date]): If factors are offset, this date indicates the end of the period from which the factors to be offset originate.

Result: The YieldList function provides the list of income recorded for a security, such as dividends or distributions.

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