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Add securities to the database

New securities that you import via the data update are automatically created including the master data (in the database). Securities can also be created via portfolio sync interfaces or object import.

Infront Portfolio Manager also offers the option of adding securities to the database manually. Use this option to manage securities that are not included in your course subscription, for example.

To do this, you must first enter the master data for this security and then enter the prices. The security is then simultaneously added to the database and inserted into the Explorer.

  1. Select the folder in the Explorer under which the new security is to be entered.
  2. In the context menu of the folder, select the command NEW, SECURITIES and then the desired security type (e.g. "Funds"). The master data dialog box opens.
    Or select the Explorer icon "Create new object" and in its menu the command SECURITY PAPER, FUND for the example "Fund". The master data dialog box also opens here.
  3. Enter the properties of the new security here.
    To enter a security, the master data must be created. These consist at least of the name and the security ID through which the security is managed. All other fields such as sector, AGM date etc. do not have to be filled in, but may be required for further evaluations.
  4. You will then be automatically prompted to create a price quote for the valuation center of this security. A (unique) MMWKN must be entered here.
    Read the section Quotation properties.
  5. Click the "Save" button to close the dialog box. The new security is displayed under the folder.
    Alternatively, you can also create new securities directly via the ribbon. Proceed as follows:
  6. On the "Data maintenance" tab in the "Create objects" icon menu, select the SECURITY PAPER command and the desired security type, e.g. SHARES. The master data dialog box opens.
  7. After entering the master data and confirming with "Save", the new security is created in the database as usual. In Explorer, you will always find securities created via the ribbon in the "Self-created securities" folder. If this folder does not exist, the Infront Portfolio Manager will create it automatically. From there you can of course move, copy, etc. the security.
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