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Open templates

All templates that you have saved are displayed in the "Templates" dialog box.

  1. Use the OPEN WITH TEMPLATE... menu item in the context menu to select an individual template for an object.
    The command opens the "Open template" dialog box. Only the templates that are possible for the selected object are displayed.
  2. Select the desired template from the list by double-clicking on it.

By clicking on the arrow in the heading of the "Description" column and entering the first letter, you can "jump" to any template.

Further commands are available to open templates (layouts):

  • The command FILE, OPEN TEMPLATE

This alternative is particularly useful if you want to open templates that are not (yet) in the worksheets of the various workspaces, e.g. newly saved individual Finders.

This allows you to initially open a template without an input object. You can then insert the input object, for example, from the Explorer using the middle mouse button, by pressing the <Spacebar> with the object selected or by using the PASTE INTO OPEN WORKSPACE command in the context menu of Explorer objects.

You can find out how to customize your workspaces in the section Configure workspaces.

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