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Monitoring loss thresholds Portfolio

Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module

For monitoring the loss thresholds of holders or their portfolios in the Infront Portfolio Manager, there is a separate report "Monitoring loss thresholds portfolio", which you can find by default in the workspace of holders, portfolios or groups under the worksheet "Monitoring".

The "Monitoring loss thresholds portfolio" contains the following columns in detail:



Name of the owner.


Name of the portfolio.

Portfolio number

The portfolio number from the portfolio master data.

Assets [EUR] as of ..

Assets in the reporting currency on the reporting date. You can change both the currency and the evaluation date via the parameters.


The evaluation currency, which you can change using the parameter of the same name.

Last notification

This column is based on the MM-Talk function Last_Notification.

This means that by default, this column shows the most recent date on which either a scheduled reporting or a loss threshold notification was carried out for the portfolio.

Perform. since last notification

This column shows the percentage performance of the holders since the last notification date.

You can use the parameters to select the performance calculation type.

If you have activated the "Calculate cumulative loss limit" parameter, you will always see the percentage performance since the start date according to the reporting frequency in this column (regardless of any notifications that may have already taken place in the interval).

Loss threshold

The amount of the loss threshold defined in the portfolio master data.

Threshold exceeded?

This column returns "yes" if the specified loss threshold was exceeded and "no" if the threshold was not reached in the period. This column allows you to quickly filter holders with breached loss thresholds.

First name

First name of the owner from his address.


Last name of the owner from his address.

Private phone

(Private) telephone number of the owner from his address.


Hidden by default.

The supervisor from the master data of the portfolio.

In addition to the tabular presentation, a standard report is also available for your reporting: Report Verlustschwellen-Benachrichtigung Portfolio.

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