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Trend analysis

Module "Advanced Technical Analysis"

In addition to technical analysis, which examines a security using indicators, classic trend analysis delivers very good results, especially in the medium to long-term range.

Trend analysis works with formations such as triangles, rectangles or head-and-shoulders formations, which say a lot about future price developments. The trend analysis interprets these formations completely independently and behaves like a human chart analyst - only faster and, above all, more objectively.

The trend analysis signals can be displayed both in the chart and as a tabular evaluation. Create a trend analysis folder in the Explorer for tabular display. Please read the section Create trend analysis folder. To display the chart, select the symbols for trend analysis in the chart window.

As a result, the trend analysis delivers a valuation figure that provides information on the technical assessment of the security. For a detailed analysis, you can then view the chart with all the formations found individually.

In addition, the trend analysis informs you after the price update about all securities that have broken out of a formation or where a head and shoulders formation has formed.

Trend analysis is just another tool for your investment decisions. The signals determined in this way should never be considered in isolation.

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