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Report fee invoice extended

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

The "Extended fee invoice report" accesses the master data for the fee invoice described in the section Portfolio properties .

In the workspaces of Portfolios, you will find the worksheet "Fee invoice extended" on the worksheet "Reporting", "Other". In the list of templates, you will find the evaluation in the "Depot management" category.

You will find the following data in the header area of the report:

Owner data

Title, first name, last name, address, postal code and city

Supervisor data

Above: Organization, address, postal code and city

Right: Title, first name, last name, e-mail, telephone

Cover letter

The date on the right-hand side is the date from the "Print date" parameter, in the free text area of the report you will find the calculated evaluation period.

Fee invoice

Depending on the portfolio master data, you will then see the following invoice data in the central table of the report:

Asset management fee" area
(Only visible if the "Asset management fee" input field is selected on the "Fee invoice" mini-tab in the portfolio properties)



DVK of the
Evaluation period

The average available capital in the evaluation period.

Asset management fee rate

The percentage value entered in the "Asset management fee" input field in the portfolio properties.

Asset management fee (net)

The resulting net asset management fee for the evaluation period.

Plus VAT 19,00%

[Only visible if the "Add VAT" parameter is activated]

The resulting VAT (according to the VAT rate from the system settings) on the asset management fee.

Asset management fee (gross)

[Only visible if the "Add VAT" parameter is activated]

The resulting gross asset management fee for the evaluation period.

Performance fee" area
(Only visible if the "Performance fee" input field is selected on the "Fee invoice" mini-tab in the portfolio properties)



Change in value

The change in value during the evaluation period.


The time-weighted performance of the portfolio during the evaluation period.

Performance fee rate

The percentage value entered in the "Performance fee" input field in the portfolio properties.

(old | new)

The current high water mark to be reached or the new one if one has been reached.

Hurdle rate

The percentage value entered in the "Hurdle rate" input field in the portfolio properties.

Performance fee (net)

The resulting net performance fee for the evaluation period.

Plus VAT 19,00%

[Only visible if the "Add VAT" parameter is activated]

The resulting VAT (according to the VAT rate from the system settings) on the net performance fee.

Performance fee (gross)

[Only visible if the "Add VAT" parameter is activated]

The resulting gross performance fee for the evaluation period.

Total fee" area
(Only visible if the two input fields "Asset management fee" and "Performance fee" are selected on the "Fee statement" mini-tab in the portfolio properties)



Total fee (net)

The resulting total net fee for the evaluation period.

Plus VAT 19,00%

[Only visible if the "Add VAT" parameter is activated]

The resulting VAT (according to the VAT rate from the system settings) on the total net fee.

Total fee (gross)

[Only visible if the "Add VAT" parameter is activated]

The resulting gross total fee for the evaluation period.

More detailed descriptions of the individual values and calculation modes can be found in the section Fee controlling.

Please note that the remuneration rates (e.g. the VV fee) for the calculation can only be changed on the key date of the reporting frequency and not within the reporting frequency.

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