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Report ex-post cost statement

This report provides you with a detailed overview of the ex-post costs of all the holder's transactions. In addition to the clear presentation of the service costs incurred, there is a detailed list of the costs of all securities transactions for the securities accounts included. Transactions prior to the introduction of the cost service are also taken into account.

You can find the report, for example, on the "Compliance" worksheet or the "Reporting", "Compliance" worksheet in the open workspaces of depot objects.

In detail, you will find the following information in the "Report ex-post cost statement":



Ex-post cost statement

The title of the report.

Customer name

The name of the owner from the address.

Portfolio number

The portfolio number entered in the "Portfolio no." field in the portfolio master data.

Evaluation period

The "Ex-post cost statement report" is created for this period.

You can set the start and evaluation date via the report parameters (<CTRL>+<A>). The default setting is the current calendar year.

Evaluation currency

The evaluation currency of the report, which you can set via the "Currency" parameter.

Account manager

The name of the account manager.

The supervisor is assigned for the respective portfolio version via the "Portfolio properties" dialog box, which you open via the context menu of a portfolio, for example.


The telephone number of the customer advisor from their address.

Service costs

Service costs

The amount of service costs and their breakdown by the following cost types are listed here:

  • Asset management fee
  • Custody fees
  • Flat-rate transaction costs
  • Advertising expenses
  • Limit fees
  • Stamp duty (optional via parameter "Show stamp duty")

The costs listed here are therefore recorded independently of the cost service via the "classic transaction types".

The "Total" line shows the totaled partial amounts.

Costs of securities transactions

Number of purchases/sales

In this column, the number of purchases and sales in the evaluation period is counted for each security in the securities account.

For example, the entry "2/1" stands for 2 purchases and 1 sale of this security, the entry "0/0" shows that no transactions were recorded for this item in the currently selected evaluation period.

Turnover [investment currency]

The turnover in this security in the trading currency in the evaluation period. The amounts from purchase transactions are shown with a negative sign.

Current market value

The market value of the current portfolio.

Total costs

The total costs for this security in the evaluation period in account currency. These result from the sum of entry costs, ongoing costs and exit costs - less any reimbursements.

Entry costs

The costs incurred for purchase transactions of this security.

Exit costs

The costs incurred in sales transactions of this security.

Running costs/
WP costs

The securities costs incurred during the holding period - the "Total costs (funds)" or "Ongoing costs (derivatives)" delivered via the cost service (or set manually in the securities master data) are shown here.

Reimbursements (thereof informative)

The reimbursements received for the securities in the evaluation period.

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