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Changing the order of the basic asset classes

You can use the order of the basic asset classes in the dialog box to influence the appearance of your evaluations - tables and reports. By default, for example, shares are at the top of the asset overview and liquidity at the bottom. Move the basic asset classes to adjust the order in your tables and reports.

You can also influence the order in which individual criteria appear in the name of a new basic asset class combination in the "Asset Allocation" window.

To sort your basic asset classes in the "Edit basic asset classes" dialog box, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the base asset class to be moved.
  2. Click on the arrow pointing upwards if you want to move the base asset class upwards. Click on the arrow pointing downwards if you want to move the base asset class downwards.
  3. Close the "Edit basic asset classes" dialog box with "OK".
  4. Check the effects of the shifts in your evaluations.
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