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Account balances

In the workspace of an account, you also have the option of displaying all account balances clearly as an alternative to the all-encompassing transaction list.

  • Select the relevant account and select the OPEN command in the context menu or double-click on the account in Explorer to open its workspace.

On the "Holdings" worksheet you will find the 42239497for securities account objects (as delivered) and the transaction liston the "Transactions" worksheet.

In the "Account balances" report, you can view the current balance of the relevant account at any time.

The account balance of the accounts is clearly displayed in the table.

You can edit and optimize the display of this table, e.g. hide and insert columns or switch to value date instead of posting date using the parameter of the same name. You can then save the settings as templates. All options for editing tables are available here. More on this in the chapter Tables.

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