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Create interested party address

Module "Infront Advisory Solution consulting process"
Module "People management"

You can enter addresses for interested parties. For each contact you have two postal addresses as well as the telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.

When creating addresses for interested parties, the name of the interested party in the Explorer and the name stored here do not have to be identical. To create an address for an interested party, proceed as follows, for example:

  1. Select the PROPERTIES command in the context menu of an interested party in the Explorer.
  2. In the "Prospect properties" dialog box that appears, select the "Address..." button.
  3. In the "Address properties" dialog box that appears, enter the data in the "Address", "Additional address" and "Contact" tabs.
    You can enter the name of the company in the "Organization" field if the contact is an organization or a company. You can enter an additional address for this interested party on the "Additional address" tab. On the "Contact" tab, you will find the input fields for telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of the interested party.
  4. Confirm the details with "OK".
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