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Enter historical securities costs manually

You have the option of storing securities costs (product costs) historically in the master data. You can manually enter values for total costs, entry and exit costs and running costs.

  1. For example, use the PROPERTIES command in the context menu of the security in the Explorer to open the master data of the security.
  2. Switch to the "WM 2" tab in the master data.
  3. Create a new history entry in the "History" area using the "Create new entry" icon.
  4. Select the desired start date for this cost rate in the "Valid from:" field using the integrated calendar.
  5. Enter the desired values for the cost components.
    For details on the individual security types, please also read the section Security costs in Infront Portfolio Manager - An overview.
  6. Proceed in the same way for all other history entries.
  7. Once you have entered all the data, select the "Save" button to save the securities cost history and close the dialog box.

The following functions are available for recording histories:



Icon "Copy selected entry"

Select this icon to create a copy of the currently selected entry to quickly enter additional entries. The entry appears in the list with the status "New". This status disappears after saving.

Icon "Create new entry"

Select this icon to create a new history entry.

The entry appears in the list with the status "New". This status disappears after saving.

Icon "Delete selected entry"

Select this icon to delete the selected history entry.

Entries deleted in this way initially remain in the list with the status "Deleted" and are only removed after saving.

Field "Valid from:"

Use the integrated calendar to set the desired start date for the cost rate.

In percent" field

Activate this checkbox if the cost item is a percentage value.

This checkbox is activated for the securities costs of funds and cannot be edited, as only percentage values are possible here.


Select the appropriate valuation currency from this selection list.

The value "n/a" is permanently selected here for the securities costs of funds, as only percentage values are possible here.

Column "Value" or "Value [%]"

Enter the percentage values or the absolute values in the respective currency for the cost categories here.


With a NAV of 100, the value "2" in the "Total costs (fund)" line means that the total costs amount to 2% of the NAV per year.

Valid from" column

In this column you can see the start date of the respective history entry.

Status" column
In this column you can see the status of the respective history entry, e.g. "new" for newly created entries that have not yet been saved.

If historicized costs for the same security are delivered via the cost service , then all locally configured histories have priority over the values delivered via the service.

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