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Formula filter

Module "Advanced Technical Analysis

You receive tens of thousands of securities daily via your price database. Far too many to watch them all every day. It is therefore urgently necessary to group the securities sensibly in folders.

The formula filter offers you even more options. The aim of the formula filter is to search for securities that meet a specific condition represented by a formula. What does this mean for you in practice? You can use the formula filters to restrict this selection even further, for example to the values that have risen by more than 15% in the last 4 weeks and are above the GD200.

This function is also interesting for warrants, as you can, for example, select warrants on the DAX that have at least 6 months to run, a reference price of 5400 to 5600 points and at the same time a leverage greater than 6 and a delta greater than 0.5.

You can assign any input lists, such as your depot, a manually created folder or a filter, to each formula filter. Use the signal control, which is located above the formula filters, to specify whether the formula filters should be evaluated after each data import (PROPERTIES command in the context menu of the signal control). This is useful for formula filters that react very critically to changing prices; longer-term formula filters should only be triggered manually, as the evaluation takes some time depending on the filter.

On the following pages, we will show you how to optimize formula filters and define your own formula filters.

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