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Special installations

In addition to securities or accounts, you can also record, manage, display and analyze fixed-term deposits, loans, forward exchange transactions and margins in Infront Portfolio Manager. The asset components fixed-term deposits, loans, forward exchange transactions and margins are summarized in some evaluations under the term "Special investments".

you will encounter "Special attachments" in the following standard templates, for example:,


  • Balance sheet
  • Species analysis
  • Asset class analysis
  • Industry analysis
  • Country analysis
  • Regional analysis
  • Segment analysis
  • Currency analysis
  • Currency class analysis
  • Asset status


  • Balance sheet report
  • Report Asset Analysis Regions
  • Report Asset Analysis Segments
  • Report Asset Analysis Currencies
  • Asset class analysis report

Details on booking fixed-term deposits, loans, forward exchange transactions and margins can be found in the section Enter transactions.

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