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Assign a supervisor to interested parties

Module "Infront Advisory Solution consulting process"

Proceed as follows to assign supervisors to interested parties:

  1. Select the PROPERTIES command in the context menu of an interested party in the Explorer.
  2. In the "Prospect properties" dialog box, switch to the "Supervisor" mini-tab. There you will see the data of the currently assigned supervisor.
  3. Select the "Assign supervisor..." button.
  4. You can select a different supervisor in the "Manage supervisor" dialog box that appears. You can also edit the currently assigned supervisor.
  5. Close the "Manage supervisors" dialog box with "OK".
    The new data is displayed on the "Supervisors" mini-tab.
  6. Save your entries with the "Save" button.
  7. Close the "Prospect properties" dialog box with the "Close" button.
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