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Asset allocation

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

The Infront Portfolio Manager allows you to assign asset allocation models to portfolio versions and portfolio profiles and thus monitor them. An asset allocation model describes a specific investment strategy.

For each of these structuring models, you can specify how the asset positions of the sub-portfolio should be distributed as a percentage across certain basic asset classes (e.g. European equities). Special investments are allocated to the sub-portfolios via their clearing accounts.

Asset allocation is usually structured in several stages: Initially according to the strategic aspects of asset class (e.g. equities, bonds, liquidity) and region (e.g. Europe, North America, Asia). It is possible to add tactical aspects such as certain sectors or specific individual stocks.

Some models are already predefined in the Infront Portfolio Manager, which you can assign to portfolios. You can also edit these models or create new models of your own.

In user administration, the administrator has the option of allowing users to change portfolio and transaction data using the "Create, change and delete asset allocation models" right, while still protecting the asset allocation models from unauthorized or inadvertent access. If necessary, read the chapter User administration.

You will find two different table templates for asset monitoring. The first provides an aggregated view along the basic asset class combinations, the second lists the individual items in detail.
Read the section Asset monitoring.

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