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Allocation model

Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

The Infront Portfolio Manager calculates all modules relevant for a portfolio and their weights using a freely definable logic in the form of an MM-Talk formula (allocation formula).

The result of an allocation formula is a modular system. Module systems are weighted combinations of modules. A module system describes a portfolio that is used for comparison. You also use the allocation formula to define a target weighting for liquidity.


   $cash:= userfield["Cashquote"];
       $aktien:= userfield["Aktienquote"];
       $fonds:= 1-$cash-$aktien;    
        AddModule["Aktien Deutschland"; $aktien * 0,5].
        AddModule["Aktien weltweit"; $aktien * 0,5].
        AddModule["Rentenpapiere"; $fonds]

If you wish to take short positions into account, this is also possible when defining the allocation formulas. Enter a negative value as the "weight" for the corresponding positions in your allocation formula.

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