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Portfolios are the linchpin of professional asset management. Related accounts and securities accounts can be combined there to form an evaluable unit. Of course, several portfolios are possible for each holder, so that your clients' assets can be sensibly structured and monitored even with different investment objectives.

Although portfolios do not necessarily have to be used, setting them up is highly recommended even for simple structures with just one custody account and account, for example. Many evaluations are only possible with portfolios, because only here can investment guidelines such as benchmarks, asset allocation, restrictions, loss limits, etc. be stored. In addition, the standard reporting is tailored to portfolios and portfolios are also mandatory for the use of the investment process and rebalancing module.

You can also create portfolios at a later date and easily change the allocation of securities accounts and accounts to a portfolio within certain limits.

A special feature is the historicization of portfolio properties. As key agreements of the asset management agreement, such as the loss threshold, benchmark or investment strategy, are stored here, changes to this data can be saved in so-called portfolio versions. This means that you not only have access to the current contract conditions, but can also track changes over time and take them into account in evaluations.

This new portfolio model was introduced in the Infront Portfolio Manager with program version 5.00. Previously existing data is backed up when the database is upgraded and must then be transferred once from the "old" properties of holders, securities accounts and portfolios to the new portfolio model. The Portfolio Migration Assistant integrated into the program will help you with this. If necessary, read the section Portfolio migration.

Portfolio migration can be carried out several times and is also possible for individual owners.

When the database is transferred, existing portfolio data is extracted from the owner, custody account and portfolio and stored in a backup table. Existing portfolios are deleted in the process.

Portfolio profiles can be created for the systematic and efficient management of portfolio properties. The portfolio profiles summarize a certain set of portfolio properties under a profile key, which is then simply assigned to the portfolios instead of setting up the individual properties again for each portfolio. This procedure is recommended if you have many similar or identical asset management contracts.

Below you will find a detailed insight into how the portfolios work and how they are equipped.

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