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Mass regrouping

Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

With mass reallocation, you can carry out collective currency reallocations for holders or portfolios that have accounts in different currencies. Proceed as follows:

  1. If necessary, open the portfolio rebalancing and switch to the "Currency rebalancing" tab.
  2. Create a new order session (or load an existing one).
  3. Drag all required portfolios into the portfolio list.
  4. In the configuration area, activate the "Mass rearrangement FX spots" checkbox.
  5. Select the outflow and inflow currency below. The available entries are filtered here using the portfolio list.
  6. Enter the desired percentage value (for the outflow accounts) below.

    It is possible to enter negative values for the weight change. In these cases, the sign is reversed, e.g. the balance of the outflow accounts increases after this order.
  7. Select the "Generate" button to update the list of transfers.
    If several accounts are found for a portfolio in the inflow currency, the weights are distributed evenly. If a portfolio in the example above has one EUR account and two USD accounts, 5% of the EUR balance is converted at the exchange rate and reallocated to the two USD accounts.
  8. Check the resulting bookings and then select the "Apply" button to generate the orders and update the position overview of the currently selected portfolio.
  9. Select the "Save all securities and FX spot orders for the portfolios in the portfolio list" icon in the toolbar of the rebalancing tool to save the generated orders for all portfolios in the portfolio list.

    Now you can switch to the order book, for example, to place the orders.

The outflow and inflow account of a transfer must be below the same portfolio during mass reallocation.

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