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The Infront Portfolio Manager is at your side with advice and support in various ways. Almost all functions are documented in the Help Center. Here you will find answers to most questions. Our service hotline is also available for complex problems.

The help menu

  • The "Help Center" icon on the "Help" tab provides access to the help topics in the Help Center for all functions of the software.
  • Use the "Help for evaluation window" icon to open the help for the currently open function directly.

The <F1> key

No matter where you are within the Infront Portfolio Manager, the <F1> key always provides you with help - appropriate to the current action.

The help button

There is a "Help" button in almost all dialog windows. Click on this button to get the appropriate help for the open dialog box.

The context menu

Many context menus also contain the HELP command. Select this item if you need help with the object for which you have opened the context menu.

Tips & Tricks

In the "Settings" dialog box on the "General" tab, you can display useful tips by activating the "Show tips & tricks at program start" checkbox. You open the "Settings" dialog box via the SETTINGS command in the menu of the "General settings" icon on the "Configuration" tab.

You can also display the tips & tricks manually via the ribbon. To do this, select the "Tips and tricks" icon on the "Help" tab.

Administration manual

Here administrators can find everything about installation, data updating or user management.

MM-Talk reference

The reference work on the MM-Talk formula language.

Archive and download area

At Archiv you will find the latest information about the product - from updates and fix packs to subscription changes. In addition, current documents and templates are always available for download in the download area .

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