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ESG data packages

To be able to use ESG data in Infront Portfolio Manager, you need at least one activated ESG data package. We offer ESG data in the three packages "ESG Level 1 Scores", "ESG Level 2 Scores" and "ESG Level 3+ Scores". These packages build on each other and contain the following scope of data:

  • ESG Level 1 Scores
    This data package contains the ESG score, the coverage and the associated relevance.
  • ESG Level 2 Scores
    This data package contains the "Environmental", "Social" and "Governance" scores and the associated relevance.
  • ESG Level 3+ Scores
    This data package contains all scores that are more detailed than "Environmental", "Social" and "Governance" as well as the associated relevance. Specifically, these are the scores E1 to E8, S1 to S7 and G1 to G7 (see 45884378).

The data packages are partly included in the data packages of the Infront Portfolio Manager. The following table shows which ESG data packages are included in which packages:

Infront Portfolio Manager
-Data packages

ESG data packages

ESG Level 1 Scores

ESG Level 2 Scores

ESG Level 3+ Scores





To be able to use the ESG data packages, you must always - even if the ESG data package is included in your Infront Portfolio Manager data package - arrange for the ESG data packages to be activated. To do this, please sign the General Terms and Conditions of our ESG data providerand then contact our sales department. This is also the person to contact if you would like an extension to your ESG data or information about the prices of the data packages.

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