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Add/remove objects to be translated

You can add objects to open translation memories and also remove them again. Such objects can be, for example, reports, libraries or enumeration types from the database.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Select the "Add/remove objects to be translated" icon or the command of the same name in the main menu under the TRANSLATION MEMORY menu item.
  2. Then select the desired objects in the "Add/remove objects to be translated" dialog box that appears.
  3. Start the import of the translation units of the objects with the "OK" button.
Add/remove reports

In the "Reports" area, you add the reports or their texts to the translation memory. To do this, use the "Add report" icon to select the desired reports in the familiar "Open template" dialog box.

To remove a report from the list, select it in the "Reports" area and then select the "Remove report" icon.

Especially for reports, you will also find the command TRANSLATION MEMORY, ADD REPORT... in the main menu of the "Edit translation memories" dialog box, which takes you directly to the dialog box for opening the templates.

Add/remove libraries

In the "Libraries" area, you will find a list of all the user's available MM-Talk libraries. Activate the checkboxes for the libraries to be added or deactivate the checkboxes for the libraries to be removed.

Add/remove variable enumeration types

In the "Variable enumeration types" area, you will find a list of available variable enumeration types from the database. Activate the checkboxes for the variable enumeration types to be added or deactivate the checkboxes for the variable enumeration types to be removed.

The abbreviations of the variable enumeration types are in the program's internal "neutral language" (original language). The "neutral language" is an independent language in the translation memory.

Add/remove fixed enumeration types

In the "Fixed enumeration types" area, you will find a list of available variable enumeration types from the database. Activate the checkboxes for the fixed enumeration types to be added and deactivate the checkboxes for the fixed enumeration types to be removed.

The fixed enumeration types are managed in the program's internal "neutral language" (original language). The "neutral language" is an independent language in the translation memory.

Add base asset classes and asset classifications

To add translation units from basic asset classes and asset classifications, activate the "Basic asset classes and asset classifications" checkbox.

Add user-defined fields

To add translation units from user-defined fields, activate the "User-defined fields" checkbox.

Add restriction definitions

To add translation units from restriction definitions, activate the "Restriction definitions" checkbox.

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