Warrants overview in Finder Derivatives (Online)
Open the warrant overview via the link in the navigation bar at the top right of the Finder Derivatives (Online).
This page gives you the perfect overview of the situation on the warrants market.
Tops & Flops DAX" section
The table at the top left of the homepage gives you an overview of the tops and flops in the DAX 30 on the current day.
A mouse click on the links "Calls" or "Puts" opens the warrant finder for warrants on this DAX value.
Chart" area
To the right you can see the chart for the currently selected certificate. Here you can set different time periods or show benchmarks etc.
A mouse click on the chart opens the securities portrait with many other setting options.
Most traded" area
To the right you can see which warrants were traded the most and how they performed.
A mouse click on the name opens the securities portrait with many other setting options.
Search by underlying" section
Click on the desired underlying to switch to the Warrant Finder to search for warrants on this underlying.
Puts/Calls" area
On the bottom right you can see in a clear pie chart how the warrants are currently distributed between the two types call and put.