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Template zones

A template zone is a tool for organizing both templates and libraries. Templates or (MM-Talk) libraries are either assigned to a template zone or to a user.

Templates or libraries that are assigned to a user are so-called private templates or libraries. These are only visible to the user.

In contrast, templates or libraries that are assigned to a template zone are visible to all users who are connected to this template zone. You can find out how users are "connected" to zones in the following section Rights and roles.

Unlike object zones, a template zone cannot be linked to other template zones. However, it is possible to assign a template (or a library) to several template zones at the same time. However, a distinction is made here between the so-called primary zone and the so-called secondary zones.


In this simple example, there are two template zones and three users. Only &quot;User 2&quot; and &quot;User 3&quot; can see the standard templates from the &quot;<System templates>&quot; template zone. "User 1", who is only assigned to "Template zone 1", can only see the "Asset overview" in addition to the two templates primarily assigned to this template zone ("Template 1" and "Template 2"), as this is assigned secondarily to "Template zone 1". However, it cannot edit them. "User 2" is assigned to both template zones and can access all templates. "User 3" does not see the templates that are assigned to "Template zone 1".

If the template (or library) is primarily assigned to a template zone, you can have further rights to the template or library. If the template or library is secondarily assigned to a template zone, you can only ever have read access to the template or library.

A special template zone is supplied as standard, which combines all the standard templates contained in the program. You cannot primarily assign these templates to any other zone.

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