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Select templates for batch export

Portfolio Service Batch Export Tables" module or "Portfolio Service Scheduled Reporting" module

Select the templates for the batch export here. Depending on the batch type, the selection is limited to tables, reports or report folders. You can add as many templates of the corresponding type as you like.

The following functions are available via the icons at the top:


Add template to list

Use this icon to open the "Open template" dialog box in which you can select the templates to be exported.

Remove selected template from list

Use this icon to remove a template from the list. First select the template to be removed with the mouse.

Alternatively, you can use the REMOVE command in the context menu of the list or the <ENTF> key.

Remove all templates from list

Use this icon to clean the current list.

Alternatively, you can use the REMOVE ALL command in the context menu of the list.

The selection of templates depends on the licensed modules. If the "Batch export tables" module is licensed, tables can be selected here. If the "Batch export reports" module is licensed, reports and report folders can be selected here.

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