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Activating the use of an offline token in the user administration

Alternatively, you can also activate the use of a user-specific offline token for the connection to the services and generate this via the LOG INTO CLOUD command on the "Configuration" tab in the ribbon.

Proceed as follows to activate the use of an offline token for a user:

  1. Select the <User management> entry in the program folder via the Windows start menu.
  2. In the "User administration" login dialog that appears, log in to the user administration with your user name and password.
  3. Select the desired user in the list of users on the "Users and zones" tab in the user administration.
  4. Activate the "Use offline token" checkbox in the user settings.
  5. Save the setting using the "Save" button.
    The use of an offline token is now activated for this user. In the Infront Portfolio Manager, the user can log in and generate the offline token for the cloud services via the LOG INTO CLOUD command on the "Configuration" tab in the ribbon.
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