If the individual values of the selection list are summaries of different elements, you must work with variables. For example, if you have created a user-defined field in which the regions "BeNeLux", "North America", "Asia" and "Other regions" can be selected from a selection list, you would first have to assign variables in the following form:
You then use the If function again in the actual formula. The default value formula could then look like this:
If($Nordamerika.Contains[Land.Kürzel]; "Nordamerika"; If($BeNeLux.Contains[Land.Kürzel]; "BeNeLux"; If($Asien.Contains[Land.Kürzel]; "Asien"; "Sonstige Regionen")))
First, the individual country abbreviations are assigned to a variable and compiled in lists. The system then checks for each input object whether the list generated in "$North America" contains the country abbreviation of the input object. If this is the case, the string "North America" is returned as the result. If this is not the case, the system checks whether the list in "$BeNeLux" contains the country code of the input object and so on. If the country abbreviation of the input object is not contained in any of the three lists, this formula returns the string "Other regions" as the result.
A list of the form $Variable:=list("Type1"; "Type2"; "Type3") may contain a maximum of 20 elements. If you want to create a list with more elements, you must first assign the elements to several variables. You can append the lists created in this way (with a maximum of 20 elements each) using the Append function: