Monitoring customer account assets
The monitoring table "Monitoring Customer Account Assets" is available for uploading to the customer account. You will find the standard template (if licensed accordingly) in the "Monitoring" template category. You can use this evaluation to check whether the corresponding custody account objects (portfolios, custody accounts, accounts and bank details) have the correct master data required for the upload before uploading.
The following master data, for example, is checked as standard:
- Portfolio number is occupied
- Portfolio currency contains 3 characters (if assigned)
- Risk limit is between 0 and 100 (if occupied)
- Depot number is occupied (maximum 255 characters)
- Bank is selected
- IBAN is assigned and consists of 15 to a maximum of 34 characters
- Bank is selected
- Account currency contains 3 characters
- Account name contains a maximum of 255 characters
- Account number contains a maximum of 255 characters
- BIC is occupied (between 8 and 11 characters)
- Bank name contains a maximum of 255 characters
- Bank code contains between 2 and 10 characters (if occupied, empty field possible)
- Store number contains a maximum of 255 characters