Monitoring alerts
Portfolio Service Alerting" module
The standard template "Monitoring alerts" is available for displaying alerts. You will find this table in the "Monitoring" template category when delivered. This evaluation is available for all depot objects and for depot filters.
In detail, the "Monitoring alerts" evaluation contains the following columns:
Column | Description |
Notification | The wording of the alert message. You configure this message in the "Edit alert definitions" worksheet using the "Define message..." button. |
Alert generated on | The time (date and time) at which the alert was calculated. |
Object name | The name of the custody account object (holder name, portfolio name...). |
Object type | The type of custody account object (holder, portfolio...). |
Category | The table is grouped according to this column. The category of the alert from the alert definition. |
Name | The table is grouped according to this column. The name of the alert from the field of the same name in the alert definition. |
Alert evaluated per | The evaluation date of the alert - the date is usually identical to the calculation date of the alert (column "Alert generated on"), but can also differ for longer running evaluations. |
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