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Trading system properties

Module "Advanced Technical Analysis"

To change a trading system, select the PROPERTIES command in the context menu of the trading system in the Explorer or double-click on it. In both cases, the workspace of the trading system opens. If the trading system is not visible in Explorer, enter the name in the search and search for folders. You then open the workspace of the trading system by double-clicking on the hit in the search result. The editor with the trading system properties opens in the workspace of the trading system. The "Formula" button takes you to the formula editor.



Click on this button to open the formula editor to define the formula. Formulas for trading systems are described below.

Signals up to

Date up to which signals are calculated (only in the Explorer object, independent of the chart). If you do not enter anything here, the current date (computer date) applies.

Signal period

Number of periods (days, weeks, months, corresponding to time interval) over which signals are to be calculated before the end date ("Signals to").
When generating current signals, you will usually choose a short period of time, such as 1, 2 or even 5 days.

Designation scheme

Scheme of the system designation in the chart legend on insertion.
In addition to fixed text, dynamic text (with the syntax $Parametername$) can also be added here. The resulting text is placed after the trading system name.

Message at the end of evaluation

[Activated by default]
Activate this checkbox if you want the signal table to be displayed immediately after the end of the evaluation.

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