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The "Target market categories" evaluation

The "Target market categories" evaluation lists the respective target market categories and their characteristics from the target market service for securities. You can find the analysis for securities (also for securities account objects and folders or the securities they contain) in the "Securities analysis" template category. In the open workspaces, you will find the evaluation on the worksheet "Compliance", "Target market categories".

The "Target market categories" evaluation has the following columns:




The defined target market categories for securities:

  • PAI consideration
  • Loss-bearing capacity
  • Investment objective
  • Special requirements
  • Risk indicator
    (from 7 risk classes on a VaR basis analogous to the PRIIPS Regulation on the basis of the Synthetic Risk and Reward Indicator "SRRI")
  • Distribution channel
  • Investment horizon
  • Knowledge/Experience
  • Customer category
  • Risk/return
  • Sustainability preferences
  • Total share pursuant to the Disclosure Regulation
  • Total share according to taxonomy regulation
  • PAI consideration according to ESG categories

Value [Positive target market]

In this column you can see the individual characteristics of the respective target market category for the securities, e.g. "Risk class 5" for the risk assessment or "Investment advice" for the sales channel.

Value [Negative target market]

In this column you can see the individual characteristics of the respective target market category for the negative target market for the securities concerned.


A security with the value "retail client" in the negative target market is not suitable for retail clients.


The name of the respective security.

The table is grouped according to this column.


The ISIN of the respective security.

This column is hidden by default.

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