Text formats
To change the formatting of text and dates, you can access the "Customize formats" dialog box at various points in your Infront Portfolio Manager.
- In open tables, select the DARSTELLUNG, FORMAT command in the context menu of (text) columns. In the "Display" dialog box that opens, click on the "Format..." button to open the "Adjust formats" dialog box for formatting the column.
- In open tables, select the EDIT TABLE TITLE command in the menu of the "Edit" icon on the "Table" tab. In the "Table title" dialog box that opens, click on the "Format..." button for text fields of type "Variable" or "Formula" to open the "Customize formats" dialog box for formatting the text field.
- In the "Course data export" worksheet, select the "Standard formats..." button to open the "Customize formats" dialog box.
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The details of the individual functions on the tabs of the "Customize formats" dialog box can be found in the following tables:
Numbers" tab
Command | Description |
Decimal places | Enter the number of decimal places to be displayed here. |
use 1000 separator | Activate this checkbox if you want the thousands to be separated by a dot (e.g. 10,000). |
American dotting | If this field is activated, a comma is used as the 1000 separator and a point as the decimal separator (example: 5,000.00 instead of 5,000.00). |
Percentage representation | Activate this checkbox to express the figures as a percentage. |
Example | This field provides a preview of the current settings. |
Time" tab
Command | Description |
Formats for time specifications | Select the desired format for displaying the time information from the list. |
User-defined | You can freely define the desired input format in this field. |
Character" tab
Command | Description |
Display options for text | Use the mouse to select the desired display type for the text in the column (unchanged, upper case, lower case). |
Show abbreviation | Activate/deactivate this checkbox to allow or suppress the display of abbreviations. |
Switch" tab
Command | Description |
Variants | Select a display variant from the list (e.g.: yes/no, true/false, true/false, on/off) Beispiel: In the transaction list, the column "Canceled?" is displayed with yes/no. |
Yes value | In these fields, you can define how truth values are displayed in the table. |
Confirm your settings with "OK" or select "Cancel" to discard the changes and close the "Customize formats" dialog box.