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System rights and system roles

The Infront Portfolio Manager environment contains various system rights that the user needs in order to use certain features and perform certain actions. For example, a user needs system rights in order to be able to create users.

However, system rights are not assigned directly to a user. Instead, the user is assigned one (or more) so-called system roles. These system roles give him all the system rights that are summarized in this system role.

Hierarchical arrangement of system rights

Certain system rights make it necessary for a system role to already contain another system right. For example, it is necessary for a system role to contain the system right "Start Infront Portfolio Manager" before the system right "Create, change and delete asset allocation models" can be included in this system role.


System roles can be linked. This means that a system role is subordinated to another system role. As a result, all system rights of the subordinate system role are transferred to the superordinate system role. A system role can therefore also combine several system roles.

A complete list of all system rights can be found in the table in the section System rights.

Information on object rights and roles can be found in the section Rights and roles.

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