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Define languages

In the "Edit translation memories" dialog box, you have the option of defining languages. Proceed as follows:

  1. Select the command LANGUAGES, DEFINE LANGUAGES in the main menu of the "Edit translation memories" dialog box.
  2. Define the language and its abbreviation and properties in the "Define languages" dialog box that appears.
  3. Confirm the definition in the "Define languages" dialog box with the "OK" button.

You can then select languages defined in this way using the command LANGUAGES, ADD LANGUAGES TO TM.

You will find the following elements in the "Define languages" dialog box:



On the left-hand side you will see the list of languages and their abbreviations. This abbreviation also appears in the quick access bar for language selection, for example.

Add language" icon

Select this icon to create a new language.

Delete selected language" icon

Select this icon to remove the language selected in the list.

The languages "German" and "English" cannot be deleted.


Enter the (unique) abbreviation for the language in this input field - e.g. DE for German or EN for English.

This abbreviation also appears in the quick access bar for language selection, for example.

If you are planning to export and edit your translation memories in other tools, we recommend using the three-character ISO language abbreviations.


Enter the (unique) name for the language in this input field.

This name appears, for example, in the selection list for the reporting language in the owner properties, in the column headings of the "Edit translation memories" dialog box, etc.


In this selection list, select the type of language - "Natural language" or "Hidden".

Hidden languages do not appear in the selection lists for languages in the program, e.g. in the quick access bar or the reporting language in the owner properties.


Select the desired date format from the default date formats in this selection list.


Select 24-hour or 12-hour counting as the time format in this selection list.

Thousands separator

Enter the desired thousands separator for numbers here.


Enter the desired decimal separator for numbers here.

Boolean "Yes"

Enter the desired value for Boolean "Yes" here, e.g. "True", "Yes" or "true".

Boolean "No"

Enter the desired value for Boolean "No" here, e.g. "False", "No" or "false".

The "Neutral language" is an internal program language in which, for example, the abbreviations of the enumeration types (currencies, countries, issuers, etc.) are kept.

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