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Savings plan

With a fund savings plan, a one-off starting capital ("K0") and then regular monthly installments ("r") are invested in a fund. The relationship with target capital, return and term can be established here using the recursive calculation ruleKt =q*Kt-1+r.

Consequently, the following scenarios can be considered for the savings plan:

  • What target capital do I get with a starting capital ofK0, a term of n months/years and a monthly installment of r?
  • In what amount must the monthly installments be paid in order to obtain a target capital ofKn with a starting capital ofK0 and a term of n months/years?
  • How long is the term to obtain a target capital ofKn with a starting capital ofK0 and monthly installments of r?
  • How high must the starting capital be in order to obtain a target capital ofKn with monthly installments of r and a term of n?
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