Edit target and tolerance values
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
- To change the target value or the minimum and maximum permitted deviations of a basic asset class combination, open the "Asset Allocation" window, which you can access via the properties window of a portfolio.
- In the left-hand column, select the asset allocation model that you want to edit and then click in the field in which you want to edit the target value or the permitted tolerance values.
- Enter the new value using the keyboard or change the value using the small arrow symbols.
Confirm your changes with "OK" or select "Cancel" to discard the changes and close the window.
The minimum and maximum values to be entered refer to the total depot, not to the target value. With a target value of 20% and a permitted deviation of 10 downwards and 5 upwards, the actual share of this basic asset class combination in the total portfolio may be between 10% and 25%. Enter "10" as the minimum value and "25" as the maximum value.
When entering the values, the system automatically checks whether they are sensible entries, i.e. the target value must be between the minimum and maximum value.
Negative debit values can be entered for loans.