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Software distribution for workstation installation

Support for software distribution systems is guaranteed by the use of the silent setup. This automatic installation mode runs completely without interaction. The installation obtains all the necessary information from a log file, which is either created manually or written by executing an installation with special parameters. We recommend generating a log file once by performing a manual installation with this parameter and then adjusting it with a text editor if necessary. This log file can then be used for the installation on all other workstations.

How it works: The log file contains "responses" for the dialogs that arise during the interactive installation, which are evaluated by the installation program in silent mode instead of the dialog display. The structure of the log file is therefore largely self-explanatory.

Record log file

setup /r /f1d:\setup.iss

Silent setup using a log file

setup /s /f1d:\setup.iss

Scripts that you created with older program versions prior to version 5.00 no longer work from version 5.00 onwards.

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