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Create restriction schemes

Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"

To create a restriction scheme, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the RESTRICTIONS command on the "Configuration" tab.
  2. In the "Configure restrictions" dialog box that appears, switch to the "Restriction schemes" tab.
  3. Select the "Create new restriction scheme" icon in the "Restriction schemes" area on the left. A new entry with the name "Restriction scheme (1)" is created.
  4. Now select the restriction type in the right-hand area. You can choose between "Stock restriction" and "Quota restriction".
    To distinguish between stock and quota restrictions, read the section Restriction types.
  5. To define a new restriction scheme, select the "Definition" button. You can now freely define the restriction scheme in the formula editor using the MM-Talk formula language.

    The specified parameters of the restriction scheme can then be assigned specific values in the restriction.

    The green tick on the icon of the "Definition" button always indicates that a (valid) formula has been saved.

    To define your new restriction schema more quickly, use one of the supplied schemas as a template. To do this, copy the MM-Talk formula from the existing schema and change and add to it as required.

    Save the formula after entering it in the formula editor and close it.

  6. If necessary, change the name of the restriction scheme. To do this, select the "Edit designation" icon and adjust the proposed designation in the "Edit designation of restriction scheme" dialog box that appears. The suggested designation is derived from the MM-Talk formula that you entered for the restriction scheme using the "Definition" button.

    If you make fundamental changes to the MM-Talk formula, the name defined in the "Edit restriction scheme name" dialog box will be overwritten.

  7. Save the created restriction scheme with the "Save" button.

You can now assign the restriction to groups, holders, portfolios or portfolio profiles.

Please read the section Assign restrictions.

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