Report transaction list
You can find the "Transaction list" report, for example, in the workspace of a portfolio on the "Reporting", "Transactions" worksheet.
The transaction list, which is also available in tabular form, summarizes all account movements, fixed-term deposits, income (coupons) and orders over a certain period of time, giving you a complete overview of all account and securities account movements in one evaluation.
The details of the individual columns of the report can be found in the following table:
Column | Description |
Transaction list | The title of the report. |
Customer name | The name of the owner from the address. |
Portfolio number | The portfolio number entered in the "Portfolio no." field in the portfolio master data. |
Account manager | The name of the account manager. The supervisor is entered via the "Portfolio properties" dialog box in the context menu of a portfolio for the respective portfolio version. |
Telephone | The telephone number of the customer advisor from their address. |
Evaluation period | The "Transaction list report" is created for this period. You can set the start and evaluation date via the report parameters (<CTRL>+<A>). The default setting is usually the current calendar year. |
Date | The trade date of the transaction. |
Time | The exact time of the transaction. |
Type of order | The transaction type, e.g: Purchase, sale, cash deposit, cash withdrawal, deposit or delivery, interest, dividends, custody fees... |
Execution venue | Haben Sie beim Erfassen der jeweiligen Transaktion (z. B. Ankauf) einen Handelsplatz ausgewählt, so erscheint er in dieser Spalte. If necessary, read the section Selecting a trading venue. |
Pieces/nominal value | Der Umfang der Transaktion. |
Order price | The price at the time the order is executed. |
Currency | The transaction currency selected when entering the transaction. |
Fees | Die bei Ausführung der Transaktion anfallenden Gebühren. |
Exchange rate | The exchange rate between the transaction currency and the account currency. |
The contribution of the transaction to cash flow, taking into account accrued interest, ZASt. and SolZ. | |
Account no. | In dieser Währung wird das zugeordnete Konto geführt. |
Profit and loss account in account balances | The amount of gains or losses (negative sign) of the transaction in account currency. |
The account affected by the transaction. |
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