Performance attribution report
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
You can find the "Performance attribution report" in the "Reporting", "Performance" worksheet in the workspace for owners and portfolios at Performance attribution .
You set the desired segmentation via the parameters. The default setting for the "Segmentation" parameter is "Asset classification", for the "Classification" parameter it is "Asset class".
In addition to calculating the performance contributions, the "Performance attribution" report also provides a breakdown of the individual segments, their weighting and P&L contribution. Special investments - loans, forward exchange transactions, margins and fixed-term deposits - are also included in the "Performance attribution report".
The parameters of the "Performance attribution report" largely correspond to those of the tabular evaluation described in the section Performance attribution parameters . A description of the "Reporting frequency start date" parameter can be found in the section Parameters of the standard reports.
You can access the report parameters using the <CTRL>+<A> key combination, for example.