Report Asset Analysis Segments
You can find the "Asset Analysis Segments" report, for example, in the workspace of a portfolio on the "Reporting", "Assets" worksheet.

The "Report Asset Analysis Segments" summarizes the sectors of the securities in the following segments:
- Automobile
- Banks, insurance companies
- Construction, building materials
- Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals
- Services
- Iron, steel, raw materials
- Electric
- Funds divided into equity, bond, real estate, money market, mixed, fund of funds and other funds
- Trade, consumption
- Industry
- Information technology
- Manufacturing industry
- Other sectors
- Other debtors (for bonds)
- Other segments
- Government borrowers (for bonds)
- Insurance companies, banks (for bonds)
- Provider
- Additional liquidity
- Plus forward exchange transaction
- Plus fixed deposit
- Plus credit (negative values)
Securities positions that are subject to asset class splitting are allocated to the corresponding segments on a pro rata basis.
The segments can be customized in the Infront Portfolio Manager with the licensed module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis".