For tabular evaluations, charts, calculators, etc., you will find the "Re-evaluate" icon in the quick access bar of the Infront Portfolio Manager at the top left. Click on this icon to recalculate the evaluation currently open in the evaluation area. The data is then requested again from the database.
You will also find the command NEW EVALUATE on the "Start" tab.
Press the <F8> key to request the data again and re-evaluate the open evaluation.
However, if the Intraday Online Service is activated, which you can always recognize by the green icon to the left of it, the data will be requested again from the server instead! Please read the chapter Intraday Online Servicefor information on the options and requirements of this service.
Of course, this does not affect the "Refresh view" icon, which refreshes the current view after parameter changes, for example. Here you do not have to request the data from the database or the server.
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