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Commission scheme

The calculation of commission used to be very simple and identical for almost all banks. The large number of direct banks has brought some momentum and thus also new commission models to the market. In order to map the new models as completely as possible, you can enter and manage any commission schemes and assign securities accounts in the Infront Portfolio Manager.

Your Infront Portfolio Manager uses these schemes for your order entries and thus simplifies the input considerably.

The "Manage commission schemes" dialog box




Commission scheme

Select the desired commission scheme here.


Here you can see the reference currency for the season.

Calculation distributed over scales

If this line is displayed, the purchase price is divided into the different scales to calculate the commission and the price valid for this scale is added up.

New scheme..

Select this button to add another commission scheme to the selection list.

Select a name and the currency and specify whether the commission calculation should be distributed to a scale by activating or deactivating the checkbox. Confirm the details with "OK".

Edit scheme..

Select the commission scheme you want to edit and then select this button. You can now change or select the name, currency or distribution of the calculation to a scale. Confirm the details with "OK".

Delete scheme

Select this button to remove the selected commission scheme from the list.

The deletion cannot be undone, so a confirmation prompt appears. If this commission scheme is still assigned to securities accounts, the message window will also inform you of the number of securities accounts affected.

Confirm the message window with the "Delete anyway" button to remove the commission scheme.

Security type

Select the security type to which the scale should apply.

Season transferred to

In this list, you can select additional security types by checking the checkboxes.

To transfer the scaling to these selected security types as well, select the "Transfer" button.

New entry

Select this icon to create a new relay entry. Alternatively, select the command NEW ENTRY in the context menu of the scale or press the <ENTER> button. The "Relay entry" dialog box appears.

Enter the data for the relay entry there. To enter a value in the "To" and "Max" fields, the "Any" checkbox must be deactivated. The default value of 1E20 shown in these fields is set so high that all possible orders are recorded with certainty. After entering the data, confirm with "OK".

Edit entry

Select this icon to edit a selected relay entry.

Alternatively, select the EDIT ENTRY command in the context menu of the scale. The "Relay entry" dialog box appears, in which all data is entered. Edit the data and confirm with "OK".

Delete entry

Deletes a selected relay entry.

Alternatively, select the DELETE ENTRY command in the context menu of the scale or press the <ENTF> key.

Delete all entries

Deletes all relay entries of the active model.

Alternatively, select the command DELETE ALL ENTRIES in the context menu of the scale or press the key combination <CTRL>+<ENTF>. Before deleting, make sure that you really no longer need the relay entries!

Test value

Enter the value for which you want to perform a test calculation here. You can then check your entry and compare it with your bank's figures.

Calculate commission

Select this button to calculate the commission for the test value.

Change log

Change log" icon.

Select this icon to view the change log for this object - provided you have the appropriate authorization. The icon is deactivated if authorization is missing.

Please read the chapter Change tracking.

The "Change log" icon is only visible if the "Portfolio service change log" module is licensed.

The entry <No commission scheme> can also be selected and assigned in the selection list of the properties dialog of securities accounts like any commission scheme. In addition, the program automatically switches to this commission scheme if a previous scheme is deleted and is no longer available.

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