Profile key
Module "Portfolio Service Extended Portfolio Analysis"
Portfolio profiles are associated with the profile keys. A portfolio profile can be assigned to several keys.
The profile key is assigned to the portfolio version in the portfolio properties. The data field for the profile key can be compared with a backend data field via PSI Transaction Data. The existence of an assigned portfolio profile is not a prerequisite for the import of the profile key by PSI Transaction Data.
In the "Manage portfolio profiles" dialog box, assign the profile keys to the portfolio profiles. You can assign unassigned profile keys or create completely new profile keys.
In the list of unassigned profile keys on the right-hand side of the dialog window, you will see all profile keys that are assigned to at least one portfolio version but not to any portfolio profile when you open the "Manage portfolio profiles" dialog window.
You can move profile keys from the list of assigned profile keys to the list of unassigned profile keys using the arrow icon to the right. The profile keys remain there if they are still assigned to at least one portfolio version. Profile keys that are not assigned to any portfolio version or portfolio profile are deleted when the "Manage portfolio profiles" dialog box is closed.