Show postbox status of a document for all persons
Portfolio Service Document Archive" module
In the document archive, you can now display for each archived document which linked persons have read it (and when). Proceed as follows:
- If necessary, first search for the document in the document archive of an owner.
- In the context menu of the document, select the SHOW POSTBOX STATUS command from the list. (This command is only visible in useful cases)
In the "Postbox status" dialog box that appears, the statuses for all relevant persons for this document are listed in a table. - Use the "Close" button to exit and close the dialog box.
The known postbox statuses are displayed in the "Read status" column:
- Unread
- Read (the exact timestamp appears here, see example)
- None (the document has not yet been uploaded)
The "Last status" column shows whether the (last) upload was successful or failed.