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Position overview in "Currency reallocation" mode

Portfolio Service Investment Agent" module or "Portfolio Service Rebalancing" module

Several portfolios can be involved in one order in "Currency rebalancing" mode. In the position overview, however, only the positions of the portfolio currently selected in the portfolio list are displayed and updated using the "Apply" button.

Beispiel A

Transfer within a portfolio from EUR account to USD account:

In this simple example A you can see the effects of reallocation: The "Investment amount" column shows the value in euros, while the "Order units" column shows the inflow in USD calculated using the exchange rate ("Rate" column). In the column "Balance by order" you can see the balance in the respective account currency by order.

Beispiel B

Transfers within a portfolio from EUR account to USD account and from USD account to CHF account.

Effects of the reallocation: The "Investment amount" column shows the respective value in euros, while the "Order units" column shows the cumulative inflow in USD calculated using the exchange rate ("Rate" column). In the "Balance by order" column, you can see the balance in the respective account currency by order.

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